
About WiccaPRESS

Our Story

Since its founding in 1979 by the late Pete "Pathfinder" Davis, the ATC has been a welcoming environment for Wiccans and pagans of all traditions. Pete's activism was instrumental in the acceptance of Wicca by federal and state governments and taxing authorities as a legitimate religion, and the right to have the pentacle on veteran's headstones. He also founded the only Wiccan seminary sanctioned by the state to confer academic degrees in Wiccan Ministry. The ATC is committed to continuing the great work Pete started to improve the quality of spiritual lives for all people regardless of tradition. 

After Pete's passing, ATC dusted off the old Pathfinder Press, renaming it Wicca Press.  The goal is to create a publishing house that will change the face of Spiritual Publishing. 

Look forward to exciting reprints of Stewart Farrar's novels, Belladonna Laveau's books, and long awaited titles from the archives of the ATC, as well as their many affiliates.

Meet The Staff

Belladonna Laveau, CEO

Bella is the Archpriestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Intl. She also currently serves as Dean of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. Bella’s book, Awakening Spirit, is used by our US Military to help chaplains minister to Wiccan Troops, and is part of the Freshman core curriculum in the Seminary. A Navy veteran, mother of three, and spiritual counselor, Bella is a 10 year veteran of full-time Wiccan ministry.

Elizette Brown, Editor

Elizette Brown has a Bachelors of Arts from The Evergreen State College, with a focus in Communications. As a lifelong bookworm, and book community enthusiast, she brings to the table media access to our in-house publications. She enjoys herbal teas, rainy days, and boisterous laughter. She is a Second Degree High Priestess of the WISE tradition and a student of the Woolston-Stein Theological Seminary. She is motivated to provide access to all interested readers of the metaphysical field.

Rt. Rev. Pete "Pathfinder" Davis, Founder

ATC founder, the late Rt. Rev. Pete "Pathfinder" Davis, was an exemplary leader and mentor for the greater Pagan community. Establishment of our global church, acceptance of Wicca by federal and state governments and taxing authorities as a legitimate religion, the right to have the pentacle on veteran's headstones, and the establishment of the only Wiccan seminary sanctioned by the state to confer academic degrees in Ministry are only a part of his legacy.

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